Drilling/Subsurface Utility Engineering Services
KIM owns and operates five drill rigs staffed with experienced operators capable of Hollow Stem Auger drilling, mud rotary drilling and rock core drilling for geotechnical investigations. Mounted on trucks or on tracks, our equipment can access the most difficult terrain and conditions. Conventional sampling is performed with 2” and 3” split spoons, and specialized sampling is achieved with Shelby tubes, piston samplers and Denison Barrel, and NX wireline rock coring. We install geotechnical instrumentation such as VW Piezometers, slope inclinometers and assist with electronic data logging. Kim will provide traffic permits and maintenance of traffic where needed.
KIM provides electro-magnetic utility location for private utilities, and provides air/vacuum excavation service to accurately locate all underground utilities or buried structures. All utility location projects are supervised by a Maryland licensed engineer. We provide an accurate, concise report of the findings including photographs, swing measurements and GPS coordinates. KIM offers Quality Levels A though D by utilizing our experience in Civil engineering, Surveying and Utility location, thus providing one stop shopping to the owner.